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We can start with any level of verbal or written requirements - from very general business-needs, to detailed technical specs. Depending on the lifecycle model agreed on by your company, we will either start implementing a prototype immediately (spiral model) or wait for fully detailed specs to be approved (waterfall model).

  • Throughout development, every comment by your company is collected and considered as a possible or specific change. All comments are registered, analyzed and discussed.
  • You will get immediate feedback on any request or comment. This allows us to analyze your concerns completely.
  • Requirements are thoroughly tracked. Changes never just happen without authorization - we always keep the history of any change. We know the origin of each change and the reason for it.
  • By the end of development, we are sure to have the complete and actual requirements specs approved by you depending on the lifecycle model.

Three things must be present before we start system testing - requirement specs, working software and software test description (test plan, cases, data).

Two things must be present when we deliver the completed project to you - the software that conforms 100% to the required specs, and a successful test report from our QA team.